Thursday, December 30, 2010

Missing parts arriving soon.

‎Thursday, ‎December ‎30, ‎2010‎

Because of various omissions formalized education is partly half-baked. The instruction imparted to us (in the day and time for all) will not adequately serve in the long run.

I have assembled the missing pieces and put them into the picture where they have to be in order that humans can understand that the experience of living is about more than food, clothing and shelter. I will plainly explain why there is very little knowledge about such in existence today. This information is necessary if you have faith that life is about more than the average experience as a human being.

My report will detail information gleaned from years of search and study. It pays huge rewards for the mind and soul. Knowledge is king ever since Adam and Eve defaulted from their divinely appointed mission to earth. With knowledge one will reign over their own discernment and will thereafter know good from evil.

Without the awares imparted by undeniable truth man is a rudderless ship, tossed this way one day and that way another day by the cruelities of life and fate. You will get a real grip wtih my report and I am confident that will be unquestioned.

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