Thursday, December 30, 2010

Contemporary Daze

We are living at a time of unbelievable achievement. The civilization of Babylon was also established as one which had made unparalled gains. The Babylonians had conquered the world at that time. In the days of Babylon the Great, the city of incredible delights, the city of the Hanging Gardens, the city was barricaded and gated all around. The main entryway to the city was barred by a huge structure of hinged gates. Called "The Gates of Ishtar", massive and ornately decorated, trimmed in gold and turquoise, they were such a sight that they were considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Out of the Gates of Ishtar from Babylon, the city of hanging gardens, five roads led off in diverse directions. Each road was reputed to lead to the end of the known world. The civilization the Babylonians generated was the greatest ever known. So consider this; today's world makes the mighty world of Babylon seem puny, but it wasn't under-funded. The Babylonians held the golden rule and then it went, 'Those that have the gold make the rules.'

Look at the world we've achieved today, the one we are living. The computer is part of it. But all things earthen have proven over the ages to be ephemeral, fleeting. No matter how solid, how entrenched we perceive the trappings of a present time society to be, they eventually fade, fall or disappear as another takes its place or wilderness swallows what was once undefeated and prevalent over all.

The machinery of the cyber world is quite incredible, none will likely dispute that. Abilities of the pc are apparently unlimited. That may loom forboding depending where predictions of what may come of that, take you , but while we have the chance we should make the most of it, should preserve and enhance it to the best of our abilities. Sites made available where one might post views, news and rants are a prime example of something with super cyber potential achievable via the computer but dependant upon the input of its patrons.

Your and my occasional input can register in that potential to realize a great fulfillment. Let's not fail to seize the moment and make it happen. It is not a time to be lulled into lethargy. Babylon fell for many reasons and one of the heights of historic earth was lost. We know that one of the reasons was that for too long the Babylonians had stumbled under the weight of drunken revelry. The guards at the gates were on duty but alas, the long drought that hadreduced to a trickle the Tigres and Euphrates Rivers, aquatic protectors of the city on the north, east and west had also made the fortress city singularly vulnerable. An entire army battalion entered the fortress city by quietly passing under its impregnable walls in the black of midnight via the dried river channels.

In a twinkling Great Babylon was taken, never to rise again. The moving finger had written and what it foretold was that Babylon was judged and found wanting. It had too long celebrated its achievements and apparently had grown lax in its own adulation.

Communication is the water which will keep our protective channels filled and potent. Let us be diligent in our use of this unbelievable age and its tools. We must put our backs to the presevation of the moment lest we too become unrequited dust upon a sere wind. CJL

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